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The school uses the updated Rising Stars: Switched On Computing scheme as a starting point to deliver the national curriculum programme of study. Our implementation of this scheme supports clear progression of skills from Years 1 to 6, preparing the students for the work that will be covered in the following years. Throughout the scheme, online safety and digital literacy is embedded, even within the other strands, to ensure the safe and responsible use of technology is at the centre of all teaching and learning.  

Students study computing in blocks, and the content of each block is outlined in the school’s Computing Knowledge and Skills Progression Map. This approach enables a project-based approach to computing and supports a greater depth of understanding throughout the focussed teaching block. 

 Haywards Farm Primary School believes that IT and computing:  

• Gives students immediate access to a rich source of materials.  

• Can present information in new ways, which help students understand access and use it more readily.  

• Can motivate and enthuse students.  

• Can help students to focus and concentrate.  

• Offers potential for effective group working.  

• Has the flexibility to meet the individual needs and abilities of each pupil.