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At Haywards Farm school, we take attendance very seriously.

In order to maximise the progress your student can achieve it is important that they attend school as much as they possibly can. We positively encourage good attendance and hence we give out attendance certificates for good attenders in the end of term assembly. Assembly is always a time for our little ' school family' to get together and share positive news and celebrate all our achievements.
We do however, understand that our young people are occasionally unwell or have to attend appointments. If your son/daughter is unwell or has an appointment and will not be attending school, please call the main school number 0118 334 8777, as soon as possible. Messages can be left on the school answer phone in the event of being unable to speak to Office staff directly.

Where a phone call has not been received, Office staff will call you on the numbers you have provided, to ascertain the reason for absence.

Our procedures are as follows; 

  1. On a daily basis office staff will go through the registers between 9.30 am and 10.00 and any absences will be noted. If no explanation has been received, school will attempt to contact the parent/carer. If the school fails to contact the carer the school will then follow up with a visit to the family home. If we still remain unable to contact the family the police or social services will be notified. 
  2. If the child returns to school with no explanation of the absence from their parent/carer, the parent will be contacted or a letter will be sent to the parent/carer requesting this information. 
  3. If a pattern of concern re attendance is developing, the Headteacher will speak or write to the parent/carer about their child’s pattern of absences. 
  4. Once point 3 is reached the Pastoral Lead will support the family for re-engagement.
  5. If there is no significant improvement, the Headteacher will contact the parents/carers and SEN and invite them into school to discuss attendance. 

Accurate attendance returns are made to the DfE within the stipulated time frame. 

The Headteacher reports attendance to the school’s Governors termly.

The school adheres to DfE protocols with regard to non attendance.

Looked after children will report daily attendance to their local Attendance and Welfare department, with reasons for absence.