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At Haywards Farm School, we understand the importance of educating our pupils on how to stay safe online. Due to many of our children's vulnerabilities and SEN, we must all be even more vigilant to protecting their safety and welfare. 

Young people have been born into the ‘digital age’. They use computers, mobile phones, video games consoles etc. as part of their everyday lives. They often seem ‘expert’ compared to parents, but young people do not have the life experience of adults and need your support. You can provide this by talking to your child about what they are doing. 

To continue to support their development and knowledge of online safety outside of school, we have provided a range of resources below for you to use to start conversations regarding online use, promote online safety at home, and guidance on new and upcoming apps for parents and carers.


Haywards Farm School Report and Recording process for e-safety  is as follows :



Please look at the documents below for useful information that helps to ensure our children are accessing the Internet correctly and safely.

Amoung Us






Screen Addiction

Watch on TV

10 Top Tips

Personal Data

Online Content















Useful e-Safety websites
You may find the following websites useful for helping your children keep safe while 'surfing the net’.

UK Safer Internet Centre

E-Safety tips, advice and resources.

Childnet International

The Know IT All for Parents is a unique interactive e-safety guide for parents and carers produced by Childnet International. It’s designed to really help you as a parent or carer keep up to date with how children are using the internet, and support them in using these new exciting services safely and responsibly. The Know IT All for Parents site includes video guides for parents in a number of languages.

Further tips and information can be found on the Vodafone website.

 Keeping your child safe – General Advice
To help keep your child safe online:

  • Talk to your child about the dangers posed by the internet
  • Tell them what they should do if they become worried or concerned
  • Explain that anything shared online or by mobile phone could end up being seen by anyone
  • Understand what your child does online and know which websites they visit
  • Put the computer where the whole family can see it, not out of sight in a bedroom
  • Use filtering software to block inappropriate sites

 Where to find more advice:
Guide for parents on internet safety: